acupuncture adventures

Monday, April 30, 2012
(I don't have a picture of the needles in my skin, so here, have a stock photo! Huzzah!)

So today I enjoyed my first ever experience of acupuncture. I've got to say, I was pretty much fine with the idea of needles being inserted into my skin and being left there for awhile up until I lay down ready for it to happen. I started to get just the tiniest bit nervous - 'is this going to hurt?' 'what if I accidentally roll onto one of them? will I be paralysed?' - that sort of thing.

My acupuncturist was great, though. Very experienced and very calm. She started off by asking me about why I had been referred to her, and we had a short chat about my large series of ailments.

She showed me the needles in their little individually-wrapped plastic cases (disposable, of course) and then began to insert them into my legs and feet. I ended up with about six in my legs and feet, two in my stomach, one in my hand, one in my arm, one in my ear and one in my forehead. That's 12 needles. Not too bad, huh? With all those jokes about becoming a human pin cushion, I was feeling a bit overwhelmed as to how many needles I would end up having. 12 is a reasonable number. XD

Great bonus - after taking out the ones from my legs and feet later on, my acupuncturist gave me a foot massage. So good.

I plan to go back and see her at this point, but with the expense and such, that has to be negotiated. Overall, a good first experience.

Oh, and those photos I posted in the last blog post? They were from the short walk I took after my acupuncture appointment. So relaxing ^_^ Back to study now!


Just a post from my phone with some pictures from a little walk I took today ^_^

Photo shoot~

Sunday, April 29, 2012
Hello people!

So, as you can see from my previous post, I had a photo shoot thing today. It was fun, but very tiring. Why did I have a photo shoot, you ask?
Well, I entered a competition for Brittain + Bombardieri Photography and I ended up winning one of their prize packs! (Which includes a photography session, plus $230 towards prints/canvases/etc.) Amazing! So, as I had asked for a couples session, Xin and I booked in and went along today. My makeup was done for me, which was an interesting sensation for me (I don't tend to wear a lot of makeup), but it ended up looking pretty good.
We have booked in for a viewing session next weekend to see which photo/s we want printed - pretty exciting!

The other big news is that I deleted FaceBook last night. I hear you, I hear you - 'but facebook is how people stay in contact!', 'what are you going to do without the event invites?!', 'but...but...internet kittehs with friends!' - I know! But it was time. I realised that it wasn't actually bringing me any great amount of joy any more - it was just taking up my time [stealing it] from more important things. After I deleted FaceBook, I came to the realisation that I wanted to work more towards my three main dreams, and, in a show of bravery, I am going to write them here:

1) Live in Japan - this may be for a month, or it may be for two years, but I just know I want to live there for awhile.
2) Be a book reviewer - that's right, I'll be firing up my other blog and starting to write book reviews again. This should integrate well into my life (when I have the time) as I am always reading, and I've been spending more time on Goodreads lately (username = bethiibee if you want to follow me!). I'd like to end up reviewing books for a magazine or something similar, but I have to get my work out there first. Which is kind of what I have to do for my final dream..
3) Be a published writer - yes, you heard right. It has been such a huge dream for me for I don't know how long. It was more realistic to me when I was ill all the time and had more time at home to write, but I think I can get there. I'm going to rejoin a writer's networking site and get my writing out there for some critique - I'm going to have to learn to take it sometime, so may as well try now!

I was just thinking that I'd like to get both my blogs receiving more viewers, so I'll be working on that too. So many dreams!

Love to all who read <3

Photo shoot~

Just a little post to show you a photo of my makeup from today.

ohai drain.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012
I am feeling so drained right now. It hit me yesterday. I'm not entirely sure why, but there are little inklings of things that might suggest that what's happening is supposed to happen. my body is screaming at me to rest, despite having rested all weekend. I did go out yesterday morning for x-rays and a bit of shopping with dad, which turned into more shopping than I originally expected, which turned into me coming home and feeling like a brainless blob for the rest of the day (even when Chris and Xin came to visit me. I apologise to both of them if I wasn't forming sentences properly or I was a bit of a downer on the whole experience).

I am at work currently, and just taking a moment to myself to think things out a bit. I don't want to be feeling this way, but at the same time I don't have the physical or emotional energy to fight it anymore. I don't understand it, but at the same time I just don't really care right now whether I'm feeling this way or not.

I have a feeling this is related back to a negative experience I had on the weekend while I was out with Xin (apparently I didn't rest as much as I thought..). The experience made me realise that friendships can take a lot more effort than I am willing to give at times. I'm so tired of caring what people think of me, to be honest. I've thought of patching things up with people I've lost touch with, but I just don't see the point sometimes.

Even now, my thoughts are as clear and coherent as they could be. If I had the option, I would go home and curl up in a ball for a few hours. My emotions feel empty, and yet at the same time they are so close to the surface that I believe on tiny push from an outside source may be enough to start me crying. I don't really feel depressed.. It's not that worthless-nothingness of a depressive episode. I still see the gain in some things - like messaging Xin and Chris in the hopes that they might offer some support or consolation. Or the fact that working -> money. Or even that I have training in ten minutes or so and know that I should be here for that as I've had to cancel it once already.

There is some logic left. But I believe that is only there because tomorrow is a public holiday. And, if I need to, I can curl up in the foetal position and ignore everything for a day. Burnout. Ain't it the best?

Saturday Chicken?

Saturday, April 21, 2012
the bad stuff.
feeling unsupported
silent retreat.
more silent retreat.
this is okay, but there's a lot of stuck with some things. Especially since I had been feeling like I was getting nothing done at uni, and then I would think about that at work, and then I'd feel like I was getting nothing done at work. Nasty cycle.
my office is tiny. and my chair/desk sits right underneath an aircon vent. which is ALWAYS ON. I'm a bit tired of being cold all the time - I have to take a jacket/cardigan into work with me all the time.

the good stuff.
spirituality. feeling better about this.
despite feeling overwhelmed at times, I actually got a lot done this week. Many an assessment has been completed. Just a few more to go~
had my first session with my Japanese tutor on Monday this week. was AWESOME. I'm looking forward to refreshing my Japanese and maybe learning some more before I return to Uni Japanese next semester.
six months more~
my job seems to like me, so I've been offered (and have accepted) a further six months work with them which commences this week (my last three month contract ended yesterday).

I'm feeling a touch off right now so I'm going to silent retreat for now... <3

Friday Chicken: Okay so apparently I do these on Saturdays..

Saturday, April 14, 2012
let's just get right into this..

bad stuff.
and having all the pain and hurt from 'before' coming up and attacking me. feeling alone with that and not knowing how to reach out, or who to reach out to. aloneliness.

I wanted to get so much study and work done over the last week, but, because of being sick, that just didn't happen. which means I now have more for next week. sigh.

old pain.
along with old sickness-related pain coming up for me, I also had visitations from pain that I thought had been resolved and moved. making it extra painful that it came back.

my body rebelling against me
I don't really want to talk about this one. suffice to say that it was not fun, and it involved a lot of 'am I going to have to go back to hospital?' and such.

good stuff.
working on my stuff.
feeling better about this and more resilient.

people noticing and complimenting my work.
always lovely when someone actually notices how hard I'm working - whether it's on study, on work-work, or on self-work - always nice.

times with loved ones.
lovely and supportive.

coming back to myself.
this has had to happen many times this week, but it's always nice when it does.

This is a blog post.

Thursday, April 12, 2012
I am having trouble dealing with things today. Not as much trouble as I used to have, thankfully, but still trouble. I often feel myself caught between two worlds - a resident of neither. I am no longer your typical 'chronically ill' person (in my head, that looks like what I dealt with a year and a half ago - spending most of my time in bed, writing when I could. Studying from home and looking for work that I could do at home.); nor am I a busy, healthy person (someone who juggles study and work and other commitments with only the occasional cold or virus to slow them down). Often, when I think about this, it's like I'm in a sort of limbo area between the two of these. I am both, but I am neither.

I know that this is about gently lowering myself into a new role - as you get used to the water in a pool or something like that. I need to reframe the way I see my world -  no longer always through my bedroom window, but not always separate from that either. 

When Xin and I were talking the other day about what we said we wanted to be when we grew up, he had a couple of ideas back in high school that suited his ambitions of the time, and I remember having thought about being a Vet, and then being a Marine Biologist, but I never really wanted to. They just seemed like... fun. When we started talking about now, neither of us is wholly sure where we're going. I've recently made a jump  from psychology to asian studies, never fully knowing what I want to do with either, just knowing that studying seems like something that would be fulfilling for me. I said to Xin - "I don't know what I want to be now. I don't know where I'm going...  I want to be a Bethwyn. So far, I'm doing pretty well, I think."

And that basically sums  up how things work for me lately. I'm not working to become a perfect image of something, nor am I completely allowing things to pan out with fate/destiny. I'm just trying to be me, wholly me, no restrictions.

Okay, I had to take a short break from the blog post to watch some Bill Bailey videos. I am feeling quite a bit better now. :)

The other topic that I have been considering goes by a few names. "Breaking Down", "Being Emotional", "Letting Go"; that sort of thing.

I once read somewhere that breaking down and crying is not such a good thing, since then it encourages doing so. But, I ask, what is wrong with that? It's possible that me crying may make other people uncomfortable, yes, and I used to have the (somewhat silly) opinion that crying was weakness. Nowadays, I will usually cry if I feel the need to. Which, unfortunately (because even I don't like doing it all the time), is quite often lately. And it adds to my sadness that I feel so alone in this.
I'm getting better at being my own best friend, being there for myself and being ENOUGH. But I still miss being held by someone while I purge my emotions, I miss feeling like I've been HEARD and UNDERSTOOD.

Let's be honest, here, this was brought on by my health today. I feel pretty shoddy, really. And, as  per usual, when I feel sick I like to be looked after. Isn't that kind of normal for people? But because I've needed looking after and reassurance so often lately, I am not longer seeking it from outside sources. That feels wrong and...greedy. And I dislike that feeling. I did have more to say on this topic, but the pain in my head is getting worse and I feel nauseous, so it will just have to wait.

Love to all who read. <3

looking at things differently. (curtinnovation doing it's work?)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012
So I'm feeling a little thrown right now. A little blah. Because, as if getting out of bed wasn't hard enough right now (seriously, so difficult this morning. Just want to sleep for many days right now), but something has tentatively poked me and made me bleed while I'm at work. That might sound a bit odd so let me explain...

Basically, I finally managed to get out of bed and muster up some excitement about what the day is going to be like. I'm at work all day, but that's fine. I like my work. Especially since today I got to redecorate my little office a bit (things from Typo, photos of the two lovely boys in my life <3, less old things that just look old and worn and like they need to retire). My work is filled with things that I like, such as: sitting down lots, making tea, answering emails, opening up mail, organising, and the (very occasional) answering of phones [I don't like talking on the phone at the best of times, but this phone rings about twice per week on average, which I love]. Oh and also! A lunchroom where I can read while I eat my lunch :3 Reading during lunchbreaks is beautiful!
Anyway. I won't go into it too much, but I just received an email that contained a lot of swearing and a little bit of abuse. Mostly aimed at the company I work for, but some at me. I understand that they're angry about something that we're tentatively working on, and that I'm just a scapegoat for that anger, but I'm not hugely accustomed to being abused (thankfully) and I am emotional and sensitive enough that even an email made me feel quite upset. I am okay with being upset. (That surprised me.) I'm not upset as I expected myself to be, but it's enough that the headache I've been trying to get rid of for five days has come back again. I, personally, understand why people get angry. I understand why they use that anger to fuel their passion and drive, etc. I get angry sometimes, but not as often as I used to. In fact, compared to others, I'd say I get angry quite rarely - I tend to get depressed or sad instead. I tend towards the melancholy, rather than the fiery. And when I get angry, I try to sit with it and allow it to transform into something that is usable to me. This is just the way I have to deal with things. And, because of that tendency toward the melancholy, it's easy for me to note when I'm getting upset about something. This email triggered that.

To begin with, I wondered if other people would let it get to them or if they would just ignore it and move on. Perhaps I am weak? Perhaps I should be able to deal with this better? But I don't mind. Others can deal with it their way, I will deal with it mine. :)

Okay, that's the end of my little rant. Back to work~~ <3

Friday Chicken: ahaha belated.

Saturday, April 7, 2012
Okay, so I know it's actually Saturday... (and late on Saturday too...), but I felt the need to do a chicken :3

the bad stuff.

a lot of old stuff coming up and having to remind myself that I am WORKING on things and I'm making progress. it was difficult to see old problems again, though, and have to recognise that they're still there.

unfortunately, a lot of my insecurities came down to my own sense of worth. which was shocking and painful and full of hurt for me. I still say a lot of things to myself that I would never EVER say to other people - where is the logic?

and the lack of it. miscommunication. being unable to speak my truth and explain the way I was feeling. miscommunication between how I was feeling and UNDERSTANDING WHY I was feeling that way. so much hurt there.

of the more physical persuasion. my body had every right to turn on me this week - I could have been treating it a bit better lately - but there was more pain than I was expecting. Especially with three/four days worth of migraine and ick. Not fun.

kind of tied in with the communication bit, but I'm still trying to figure some things out and there's a lot of stuck there. working on it. but, again, painful.

the good stuff.
so much of it! sharing and receiving and giving. gentle and intense and passionate and giggly. new excitement and progress in slightly older relationships. opening up to love and being okay with receiving it as well as giving.

giggly parts
meeting someone new and discovering some sort of connection and just enjoying it and allowing it to make me bouncy.

news from others that makes me so happy and warm and glowy. wanting to share that with everyone.

always a lovely thing. some of the progress has meant a bit of hurt and less contact with people that weren't making me feel strong or worthy, but I feel better for it.

So, that's about it! I feel good for having written this post :3
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