Saturday Chicken?

Saturday, April 21, 2012
the bad stuff.
feeling unsupported
silent retreat.
more silent retreat.
this is okay, but there's a lot of stuck with some things. Especially since I had been feeling like I was getting nothing done at uni, and then I would think about that at work, and then I'd feel like I was getting nothing done at work. Nasty cycle.
my office is tiny. and my chair/desk sits right underneath an aircon vent. which is ALWAYS ON. I'm a bit tired of being cold all the time - I have to take a jacket/cardigan into work with me all the time.

the good stuff.
spirituality. feeling better about this.
despite feeling overwhelmed at times, I actually got a lot done this week. Many an assessment has been completed. Just a few more to go~
had my first session with my Japanese tutor on Monday this week. was AWESOME. I'm looking forward to refreshing my Japanese and maybe learning some more before I return to Uni Japanese next semester.
six months more~
my job seems to like me, so I've been offered (and have accepted) a further six months work with them which commences this week (my last three month contract ended yesterday).

I'm feeling a touch off right now so I'm going to silent retreat for now... <3

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