Goodbye, November

Thursday, December 1, 2011
(taken from the lovely Havi of the Fluent Self blog)

What I loved about November this year...
Goodness, November feels like a month of blessings and lessons for me..

Some November things:

  • reconnecting and feeling
  • loving and dreaming
  • colours!
  • mentors and journeying!
  • cherry italian sodas <3
  • green smoothies! :D
  • resolutions...
Stuff that happened in November...:
  • Xin came back from his trip! We reconnected and are still doing so. He also got birthday presents from me! Yay! :D
  • Xin and my fourth anniversary. My goodness. So much love here <3
  • Results and progress with my graduation! GOOD results! Uni progress! Yay!
  • Continuing to form one of the best friendships ever in my life (<3 Chris) and sorting through all the crazy happy emotions I get from it ^___^
  • Continuing to see my Naturopath and continuing to make progress! Yay! (So many yays in this post..)
  • Getting through the ick associated with a big thing that happened in October. And feeling stronger and more capable because of it.
  • Personal realisations, finding mentors, collecting beautiful things around me. Seeing things in a different light.
  • BIRTHDAYS. dressing up, going drinking and dancing, going out on cruises (I was on a boat!), delicious memories.
  • Rediscovering that creating doesn't have to be about perfection, but can be about releasing things.
What was hard about this November?
Again a few bouts of depression which I had to move through... Although I had much more support during these ones.
Certain feelings creating an aura of just 'wrong' and making me feel terribly adrift for awhile. Also, rejection is never fun, even when in the most friendly of terms.
Re-occurring icknesses over feeling inadequate, worthless, bothersome. Indications that I still need to work on these a lot, and, for a lot of the month, not knowing how to do this.
Technology being icky! D: but then again, also being wonderful... :P

What worked this November?
A lot of the same that happened in October.
Forming friendships and working on them.
Being passionate.
New things included: being creative! Being more expressive of my emotions! Reading and actively searching out inspiring people/books/other things. 
Trusting my intuition.
Getting out and enjoying life :D

What might I want to try in the future?
Working on those deep-seated feelings of worthlessness. Also maybe working on my impatience when it comes to gratification - I need to be able to sit and BE for awhile. For an hour, a day, however long it takes. Whatever it is that I want/need, it will either come to me in its own time, or another solution will present itself. Or it will be a lesson in disguise. Either way, being impatient isn't going to help!
Learning to be okay with how much I love people in my life. And be okay when I don't get the same amount of love back. <3

Goodbye November.

Thank you for showing me just how beautiful friendship can be. Thank you for my Naturopath's continued commitment to me and my health. Thank you for returning Xin to me, and for showing me that he is still everything I could possibly want.

See you next year. <3

1 comment:

  1. I'm a little behind in my blog reading at present! But this was a lovely lovely post :D *loves*


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