Now, honestly, these are some very random, and mostly vague goals. I am such a mood reader, and I don't really like limiting myself very much when it comes to reading - even though sometimes I like reaching goals set in a small space of time, like with some readathons. I may set some more goals later in the year, but I am hoping to check in with these regularly (perhaps monthly?) and see how I'm going.
First of all, some general goals:
- Prioritise my physical and netgalley TBRs - I have a tendency to look outside of things I already have, but some things have been on my physical TBR for many years. I would like to read some of them. The fact that I am doing a No Buy year will also make this easier.
- Rely on the library otherwise! - pretty self-explanatory. I already rely on my library quite a bit, but I think I can do this a little more. I love my library, and want to keep it, please.
- Read at least two nonfiction a month - this is a carry-over from last year, and I did pretty well last year, actually. I actually really adore reading nonfiction (I mean, I love nature writing, so it stands to reason), and I wanted to add this one back into the mix because it's just a really great one to have in my mind.
- This one is suuuper vague, but - read more diversely. I mean this in terms of a little more diversity in genre, but also to read more LGBTQIA+ authors and characters, more diversity in ethnicity and country of origin of both authors and characters... and also I think I may lean away from YA and into Adult a little more.
And finally, I have a list of six books that I would like to finally tackle this year. As above, I will tell you what they are and then talk about them a little. For those that are on my physical TBR, I'll provide a link to their goodreads pages.
- The Well of Shades (The Bridei Chronicles #3) by Juliet Marillier - okay, this is because I have had three Juliet Marillier books on my TBR for something like 12 years now, and I haven't read them. I really just want to get to them this year. Juliet Marillier is one of my favourite authors, and so I have always had plans to try and read all of her backlist - these three are what is remaining (barring short stories in anthologies).
- Wolfskin (Saga of the Light Isles #1) by Juliet Marillier - see above.
- Foxmask (Saga of the Light Isles #2) by Juliet Marillier - see above above.
- War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy - A few years ago, I read Anna Karenina and I really loved it. My desire to read more Leo Tolstoy was strong, and so I bought War and Peace, and then realised I needed a break. But I still really want to read it. This book is enormous - not that the Juliet Marillier books are anything to sneeze at, but this book comes in at over 1000 pages, so there's that - so it may have to be read over the course of a couple of months, whilst I am also reading other things. I am actually a little excited to give it another go.
- The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien - Okay, let's talk Tolkien. I have never read any Tolkien - that isn't to say I haven't tried, it's simply that I tried to read it when I was quite young and at the time it just... wasn't the right time. Ha. But I really want to read some Tolkien, and I thought last year might be the year, but I never really committed. So this year it is.
- The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien - at the least, The Fellowship of the Ring. See above for additional explanation.
And there you have it! Those are my reading goals for 2020. I would really love to hear other people's goals, if you care to share in the comments below. Otherwise, here's to an exciting new reading year! :D
Love to all who read.
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