Book Review: The Bullet Journal Method by Ryder Carroll

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Title: The Bullet Journal Method
Author: Ryder Carroll
Publication Date: 26th October 2018

Synopsis: "Like may of us, Ryder Carroll tried everything to get organised - countless apps, systems, planners, you name it. Nothing really worked. Then he invented his own simple system that required only pen and paper, which he found both effective and calming. He shared his method with a few friends, and before long he had a worldwide viral movement. Hundreds of thousands of Bullet Journal fans no spread the word and read Ryder's blog and newsletter.

The system combines elements of a wishlist, a to-do list, and a diary. It makes it easy to get thoughts out of your head (an unreliable witness) and onto paper, to see them clearly and decide what to do about them. It helps you identify what matters, and set goals accordingly. By breaking long-term goals into small actionable steps, users map out an approachable path towards continual improvement, allowing them to stay focused despite the crush of incoming demands.

But this is much more than a time management book. It's also a manifesto for what Ryder calls 'intentional living': making sure that your beliefs and actions align. Even if you already use a Bullet Journal, this book gives you new exercises to become more calm and focused, new insights on how to prioritise well, and a new awareness of the power of analogue tools in a digital world."

My thoughts: I've watched the videos, I've read some of the articles - Bullet Journals are something that are definitely a part of the public eye of late. I have definitely been interested in them, but haven't really tried to have my own, aside from some dabbling. I actually didn't know it was a method created by someone - I hadn't heard the name 'Ryder Carroll' before requesting this book. I'm so glad I took the time to read this book so I could understand it a little better.

This book takes the time not just to explain how the method came about in the first place, and how to get started on a BuJo of your own, but also all of the ways that BuJo's have been altered and worked on so that they better serve whomever is using it. It also has some more in-depth chapters about goals and pursuing what you really want to do with your life, as well as the phenomenon of focus know as 'flow'.

I really enjoyed reading this - it got me inspired to start a BuJo of my own (for now I am using an older notebook with not many pages left in it, but I hope to move towards a different one in the new year), but it also got me thinking about how I use my time. Understandably, not everything on goals was applicable to my life because of my illnesses, but I did find the advice and run-down really interesting and inspiring. I highly recommend this to anyone who is even slightly interested in Bullet Journalling.

{I received a review copy of this book from Harper Collins in exchange for an honest review. Thank youu!!}

You would like this book if: You're at all interested in bullet journals; you like nonfiction books about organisation.

Rating:  8/10

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