Oh hello there, dear reader. If you are still out there. *peers into the darkness* ah yes, there you are, I see your little light in the distance! I promise I am still here!
Honestly though, it has been about a month of trying to keep my head above water and barely realising that I was slipping under with regularity. Around the first week of July, my husband brought home a gift from his office - a fairly aggressive flu virus that laid us both low - him for at least a week, me for a week, maybe two, as it was hard to tell the difference between flu symptoms and just regular ole' Chronic Fatigue and such symptoms. I never really recovered all that well, but I did have a day here and there where I was able to push through things and get things like grocery-shopping and such done, but attending to my blog was pretty much pushed to the bottom of the list.
Then I had about two weeks of pretty near-constant migraine symptoms, with at least six full-blown migraines. And more recently I have caught a virus that has required me to go back on antibiotics.
So yeh, writing it down like that, it's been a bit of a rough month. My mental health has been mostly okay, though I have noticed that my self-esteem has been taking a bit of a hit, and my anxiety is a little high of late, too. I am working on resting as a preventative measure, rather than just doing it when I crash and burn, but that is a work-in-progress. Today is the first day that I have felt capable and awake enough to do some blogging in some time, and I am also getting a few work jobs done, as well as a few chores. I may already be overdoing it...
My reading, you ask? Ah, how kind of you to show interest, dear reader. Yes, I have been reading. There was a period there of about a week or two where I could barely read at all, and that was frustrating, but I have made up for it by apparently almost exclusively reading wonderful books when I could read. Expect a bunch of reviews and reading wrap-ups for June and July to be flowing towards you soon. I also have an exciting collab with one of my favourite book bloggers and dear friends coming soon, and a blog tour, too. So, fun things in the offing.
Work is still going well regardless of health stuff. I've wished for more energy to work on stuff, but have still been doing good work when I can. I am still so happy and grateful to be able to be paid for writing and editing work - it is basically a dream come true for me. Now to work on getting my own fiction writing published!
I hope you are all well, and that you are ready for the barrage of book reviews coming your way!
Love to all who read.
P.S. My husband found pictures from this artist recently and they are really helping me out. I think more peeps need to check out their work.
Where I've Been?
Thursday, August 9, 2018
All content owned by Bethwyn Walker unless otherwise stated. Powered by Blogger.
books | chronic illness | lifestyle | wellbeing
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