I know a lot of book bloggers and vloggers tend to do this wishlist system via Amazon - a good system as people can buy them books off the wishlist and send them directly (particularly since many of the booktubers I follow live in America!). However, due to the current issues between Hachette and Amazon, and Amazon's apparent poor conduct (and also their absolutely horrifying shipping...), I don't really use Amazon aside from buying the occasional ebook from them.
So I thought I'd show you a few of the books I'm lusting after, and maybe you can add a new 'to-be-read' to your list! :)
All These Things I've Done by Gabrielle Zevin
This book, and the other two following it, have been recommended (if not to me, but everyone who watches) by Misty the BookRat's videos (and Misty herself) multiple times. She seems to adore disappearing into this world and reading about the characters, and she makes it sound absolutely amazing.
It sounds awesome, anyway, and I recently won a book by Gabrielle Zevin that I read in a day (The Storied life of A. J. Fikry) that made me adore her writing style. So All These Things I've Done just continues to look as good as the chocolate that it has made illegal.
Tin Star by Cecil Castelluci
Another book recommended by Misty on her channel, this one just looks fascinating and strange. I mean... space ships, aliens, possible romance, a main character that has to rise up and move past a horrific thing that happens? I'm pretty much on board (the spaceship).
The Real Boy by Anne Ursu
Huh... are all the books on my wishlist recommended by Misty? I think that says an awful lot for her ability to squee over books so much that you then want them for yourself....
Anyway, this is a fairy-tale retelling of Pinocchio, but I have heard multiple times that while it has an air of Pinocchio about it, Ursu writes it in her own unique way. I really want to read this....and just look at that cover. Gorgeous.
Afterworlds by Scott Westerfeld
Those who follow me on Goodreads (or just generally listen when I talk) will know that I have actually already read this - and LOVED it. It doesn't come out officially until September 23rd of this year, but I already want one of the beautiful hardback copies of this book. It follows Darcy, a girl who has written a book that is getting published (envious) and alternates between following her story of rewrites, moving to New York, and other things that happen, with chapters from the book that she has written. The writing parts of the book made me excited about writing, which was awesome, and the actual novel parts of the book were absolutely fascinating. Plus, again, look at that cover. Wow.
Other authors that I want to start reading...: Brandon Sanderson (I have borrowed book one of his Mistborn trilogy from the library... it is monstrous), and Robin Hobb (when my friend heard I hadn't read any Robin Hobb yet she flipped out a little and immediately bought me Hobb's first book in ebook format... thank you again~).
So, what do you think of my (excerpt of my) wishlist? Did anything catch your eye? What books are you lusting after right now?
Love to all who read!
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