Ah dearest blog, how I love you. I love that I'm getting more readers lately (thank you readers! love!) and that I can turn to you and feel EXCITED about expressing myself, rather than feel icky about saying anything in any sort of public forum.
And that, in a nutshell, is why I don't really miss facebook very much lately. It's now been two weeks since I deleted my facebook account (actually, since they leave it 'deactivated' for 14 days before actually deleting it, it will be officially deleted tonight~) and I'm feeling pretty dandy. I've been pretty busy with juggling uni and work, so I feel that I may experience more withdrawals once uni calms down and I have more time to think, but right now I feel okay.
I'm so glad that I have more time for other things, and that I don't have to continuously worry about what's happening in the 'social networking world'. When I think about the fact that I deleted facebook, I just feel healthier and...lighter. I know that some things are missing from my life that I may feel a bit of remorse for them (like knowing when people's birthdays are, or being invited to things, or being able to cheer someone up just for the hell of it), but, overall, I feel my life has benefited from this change.
Anyway, time for some lunch and then many studyings! Love!
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I love this, I really want to follow suit!