Would You Like to be a Family?
21st September 2021
This was so sweet and lovely and I just adored it. Surprisingly, this volume has one longer story (the title story) and two shorter stories contained within it, and I really loved each one. I know other people have gone into this possibly hoping for more of a grittier and deeper story, looking at the complex relationships formed when someone is a single parent and interested in dating, but I honestly went into this hoping for something to make me smile and feel those warm fuzzies, and I absolutely got that - and then some.
The characters in this are so lovely, and I love the way each relationship begins to form. The conflicts/issues within each story felt organic and real, and I appreciated the gentle tone of exploration in each one. I really needed this sweet gay short story collection, and I cannot help but want a copy of my own to reread whenever I want to. Oh! There is a little smut in here - I would personally say it's quite mild on the spice-rating, but for those who aren't looking for smut at all, please go in knowing that there's a bit in here. Nothing super graphic, but definitely some sexy times happening.
Overall, I'd love to see more from this mangaka and of these characters in particular - so grateful to have received a review copy!!
9/10 sweet and spicy bowls of curry.
{I received a review copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and feelings are my own.}
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