Reading Challenge: Realm of the Elderlings by Robin Hobb

Friday, December 7, 2018
I can't really remember how this started, but Katharine from ventureadlaxre and I were talking one day and I believe I mentioned that I had never read a Robin Hobb book. She, being a fan and understandably horrified at this fact, suggested we do a challenge where we read every book and piece of short fiction that ties into the Realm of the Elderlings books. That's something like five series of novels. And I, though nervous, said 'okay?'.

This will be an almost full re-read for Katharine (she hasn't quite brought herself to read the final book yet), and completely new for me. We will be doing discussion posts whenever we read something, and you're welcome to read along with us or whatever you'd like :) Below is our reading order, shamelessly stolen from Katharine's blog.

Chronological Reading Order
Prequel Shorts
“Homecoming” (short story)
The Wilful Princess and the Piebald Prince (novella)
“Cat’s Meat” (short story)
The Farseer Trilogy
Assassin’s Apprentice
“Words Like Coins” (short story)
“Blue Boots” (short story)
The Farseer Trilogy
Royal Assassin
Assassin’s Quest
“The Inheritance” (short story)
Liveship Traders Trilogy
Ship of Magic
The Mad Ship
Ship of Destiny 
The Tawny Man Trilogy
Fool’s Errand
The Golden Fool
Fool’s Fate 
The Rain Wild Chronicles
Dragon Keeper
Dragon Haven
City of Dragons
Blood of Dragons 
The Fitz and the Fool Trilogy
Fool’s Assassin
Fool’s Quest
Assassin’s Fate 

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