Book Review: Lucky Button by Michael Morpurgo
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Title: Lucky Button
Author: Michael Morpurgo
Publication Date: 2nd November 2017
Synopsis: "Jonah has always struggled to fit in at school. He's too busy caring for his mother to make friends. But when he finds a lucky button, it connects his world with Nathaniel's, a foundling boy from the eighteenth century. Can Nathaniel's story help Jonah? And can the lucky button work its magic again?
A moving story about friendship, fortune and music from the master storyteller Michael Morpurgo."
My thoughts: I was not quite sure what to expect going into this one - when it mentioned that the main character had troubles at school, I admit that I kind of wanted to bow out. But I'm glad I jumped in anyway - yes, Jonah has troubles at school, and he spends most of his time looking after his Mum, but he is a sweet, loving boy who just came across as such a wonderful character to follow. When his path crosses with Nathaniel's, I realised just how well Morpurgo could conjure an atmosphere - their first meeting is spooky and so well-imagined.
As the story progresses, I found myself feeling wistful for stories that my mum used to read me as a kid - things like Milly Molly Mandy, or Winnie-the-Pooh, or Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. This book is a wonderful balance of that reminscent feeling and something that felt fresh and new. The illustrations (by Michael Foreman) only enhance this wonderful combination, leading you to a conclusion that is heartwarming and just a lovely read. Highly recommend for any age.
{I received a review copy of this book in exchange for an honest review from Walker Books. Thank you!!!}
A favourite line from the book: 'They had become more than mother and son over these past two years; certainly more than carer and patient. They had forged a deep understanding, become the closest and best of companions.'
You would like this book if: You enjoy sweet children's stories with reference to wonderful facts of history; you're craving a lovely little story you can comfortably finish in an afternoon.
Tea to drink while reading this book: A sweet cup of black tea with much sugar and milk.
Rating: 8/10
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