Book Review: The Mitford Murders by Jessica Fellowes
Thursday, October 12, 2017
Title: The Mitford Murders
Author: Jessica Fellowes
Series: Mitford Murders #1
Publication Date: 14th September 2017
Synopsis: "Christmas 1919
Louisa Cannon dreams of escaping London, and most of all her dangerous uncle. Her salvation is a position within the Mitford household at Asthall Manor. There she becomes nursery maid, chaperone and confidante to the Mitford sisters, especially sixteen-year-old Nancy - an acerbic, bright young woman in love with stories.
But then a nurse - Florence Nightingale Shore, goddaughter of her famous namesake - is killed on a train in broad daylight, and Louisa and Nancy find themselves entangled in the crimes of a murderer who will do anything to hide their secret..."
My thoughts: This book was such a fun ride. The writing creates such a lovely, cozy atmosphere, even when there is tension occurring during the scene (seriously, Jessica Fellowes, how do you do that?). The characters are all really interesting, and I absolutely loved Guy and Louisa - their characters in particular made me feel so happy and intrigued.
Honestly, I only kind of knew that the Mitfords were an actual family before I went into this book. But, rather than taking me away from the family or making them seem like caricatures, I am quite interested in reading more about them, and giving Nancy Mitford's books a go. I think this book (this series of books, too) come across as a really nice homage to the Mitford family, and build the reader's interest in them. [Of course, with so little knowledge about the Mitfords, perhaps others may have a different experience.]
Overall, this book comes across as the epitome of the 'cozy mystery'. I highly recommend it if you are in the mood - particularly you Northern Hemispherians, with your autumnal weather (not that I am at all jealous).
{I received a review copy of this book from Hachette in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!!}
You would like this book if: You enjoy a nice cozy mystery; you want to read a little bit of historical fiction with the Mitfords in it!
Tea to drink while reading this book: Oh, just a nicely made Darjeeling, I should think.
Rating: 7/10
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