If you are unsure where this post came from, I urge you to go back and look at my January post for more of an idea as to why I got rid of the structured reading wrap-ups. :)
So, February. The shortest month. My health this month has been pretty average, not flaring too badly (although I did have to go back on a course of antibiotics after a week of bad symptoms that I did not really read quite right), but generally feeling just a bit unwell and not up to a whole lot. I am pursuing the opportunity I mentioned in the January post, which means I am getting more tests done, so that has been kind of stressful, but I am hopeful that the results we get will be helpful and maybe even indicate some form of treatment I can try. All the fingers and toes are crossed.
Over the last weekend of the month I managed to get out to the Perth Writer's Festival and got to see authors like Melissa Ashley, Hannah Kent, Jessie Burton, and Jay Kristoff speaking about their work. It was absolutely wonderful and I enjoyed every minute of it, despite it being 40 degrees celsius on the day I went. I got a couple of books which I am reading and loving, and absolutely crashed when I got home. I was so exhausted, but definitely still think it was worth it. On the Sunday I went out for an early birthday celebration with Xin and my parents to go eat ramen! It was delicious and wonderful.
On to the books I read this month! I read six books this month, most of them in an omnibus by Lois McMaster Bujold. I had been craving getting back into the Vorkosigan saga so I grabbed Miles in Love off my shelf and quickly finished all three stories in there (Komarr, A Civil Campaign, and 'Winterfair Gifts'). I absolutely adored everything in there, and was tempted to keep going, but decided to take a break for a little while to actually read some review books, of which I finished two - Pseudotooth and We Do Things Differently.
The only other book I read this month was Many Lives, Many Masters by Dr Brian Weiss, which I found really fascinating and I am eagerly awaiting another book of his from my library.
At the moment I am reading The Birdman's Wife by Melissa Ashley, The Miniaturist by Jessie Burton, and Frogkisser! by Garth Nix, all of which are fantastic so far. I can't wait to see what March will bring! Maybe some test results (haha).
Love to all who read.
Reading & Such // February 2017
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
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books | chronic illness | lifestyle | wellbeing
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