I just wanted to write a little something and apologise for my absence recently. I am still having ideas of what to write about and such, but I am experiencing a lot of vulnerability and trying to work through some uncomfortable things, and also I wanted to finish my Aurealis awards reading (finished, yay!).
I have been pondering a little more about making do, and being grateful for what I have. It's a mixed up topic in my head, but it is something I am mulling over - turning over in my mind and looking at it from different angles.
I have also been looking at the pain I experience from different angles, trying to understand it better - something I have been trying to do for years now. It still baffles me to a certain extent, and I feel like I am trying so hard to do something - move through it, focus on breathing, find a way to make the pain less present. It's a trial process, and I am feeling very tired.
I will be back soon with some book reviews and perhaps a few other things. Love to all who read!
Slight Absence
Friday, January 30, 2015
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