delicious noms for breakfast this morning :)
currently reading: Lirael by Garth Nix, The Caller by Juliet Marillier, and The Desire Map by Danielle Laporte. All good reading!
listening to: I bought a few new CDs the other day, so Bernard Fanning and Hugh Laurie predominantly...
watching: The Secret Life of Plants by David Attenborough. Lord, do I love that man.
food: super varied, but I still prefer Japanese food over much else... aside from chocolate. I am eating too much chocolate...
drinking: water, juice, coconut water, df hot chocolate (the Oxfam one is AMAZING), teaaaaa.
writing?: I am taking a bit of a hiatus from writing my own creative work for now. I don't know how long that will last, though I suspect until the end of the next week (last week of semester for me).
the hard
: pain coming back in. a breath for trying to find the strength to pick myself back up and find a new path.
: a few people I am close to going through hardships and loss, and trying to assist but then giving too much of myself and not listening to my body.
: crashing hard with my CFS on Thursday, then ignoring it on Friday and going out again (groceries), then crashing again on Friday evening. Then this weekend hit. A breath for not listening when your body is screaming at you.
the good
: lots of time with Bronte and with Xin. deepening connections and thriving from them.
: reading and being able to sink my teeth into good books again.
: further to point two, planning and scheming with a friend who is as bookish as myself about attending conventions, chatting about the Hugo awards, and even touching on awesome boardgames (slightly separate, but connected). joy.
: despite feeling horrid, I still feel like there's a huge change going on with me. and I am trying not to run towards it, but enjoy the whole process - even if it is really hard at times.
: letting go of many things that I no longer needed, including expectations of myself that turned out not to be my own.what i want from this week...
~ ease. exploring the breath.
~ relearning how to work/study. exploring the idea of 'work smart, not hard' and not slipping into expecting myself to be working all the time.
~ rediscovering the joy of being myself and announcing my intention rather than confusing myself and those around me.
(update from last week: I wanted 'releasing and allowing', 'complete!', and 'joy in the process'. I feel like many of these things happening, but I'm definitely still learning how to revel in the power of the last one. Onwards!)
mantra? how can I make this more glow-filled?
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