weekly glimpse #19 (slightly delayed...)

Monday, May 26, 2014
First Second books ahoy! :D

currently reading: a few things... but about to start re-reading Sabriel by Garth Nix so Katharine and I can get up to date!
listening to: it was SHINee's sixth anniversary yesterday, so I've been listening to SHINee. Which isn't that new. XD
watching: bit of youtube. bit of HIMYM. bit of gaming with Xin.
food: obsessed with roast veggies lately. yummm.
drinking: found some of those sipahh straws (the ones with flavouring inside?) and started drinking almond milk through them. eee!
writing?: shh.

the hard
: grumpy grump. I have been having trouble shaking the grumps.
: surprise pain and huge discomfort on Thursday morning, meaning no class for me. Blah.
: feeling disconnected and unsure... and not sleeping well because of it.

the good
: deciding to put myself back on a self-love challenge for the next 30 days, and deliberately looking after myself each and every day. feels good.
: gaming time with Xin - so much fun and Child of Light is amazing!
: receiving things in the mail! joy!
: connection.

what i want for this week...
~ releasing and allowing.
~ complete!
~ joy in the process.

(update from last week: I wanted to feel relaxed and get a lot of reading done and, despite feeling disconnected and a bit grumpy, I actually still managed to read quite a lot and work hard on feeling relaxed (that's an odd sentence). I also wanted comfort and love times a bajillion, and I'm going to ask for that again because I am getting more and more each day - not just from myself, but from lovely others in my life.)

mantra? be Bethwyn.

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