yay greenery!
currently reading: Alliance Forged by Kylie Griffin.
listening to: the hum of my foot heater...
watching: not a lot lately... I did watch a show about Hugh Laurie playing the blues recently which was wonderful...
food: too many gluten. must stop.
drinking: not enough water... hahaha not enoughhhh >maniacal laughter<
writing?: yessss.
the hard
: dealing with outside pressure about my internal mechanisms. a breath for feeling lost and unheard.
: doubting myself too much.
: waking up on Friday with crazy back pain that covered pretty much the entire left part of my upper back. not being able to release it.
: procrastinating a littttle too much lately. a breath for recognising at as part of the process.
: a few symptoms that caught me off guard.
the good
: finally getting clear on what I wanted and needed. a breath for listening to my inner voice more often and trusting myself.
: despite being in pain and discomfort this week, I was relatively okay (dare I say happy) with it, as I knew I could keep going. also, it gave me permission to rest, which I love.
: despite having to abandon many of them to the donation pile, I have been reading many books off of my shelves (that have been there for years...). a happy sigh for moving forward and cleansing.
: I managed to go to class this week! four more classes to go and then freeee~
what i want for this week...
~ listen to your intuition.
~ have faith, don't look for it.
~ I feel so happy to be me. >contented sigh<
(update from last week: I told myself: 'I can do this. Everything I need is already within me." and that took a little while, but came true towards the end of the week. That is, I remembered my own wisdom rather than deferring to that of others.)
mantra? experience the world, don't just drift through it.
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