Blueberries, raw chocolate, pajamas, and reviewing my goals.
currently reading: oh man, big reading week! Well, the start was... I finished the last book for the Aurealis Awards, then tore my way through the last of Scarlet. And then I picked up my first challenge book - my brother's recommendation, Going Postal by Terry Pratchett. I have since finished that (review on the way) and started The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch :D
listening to: so much asian pop. a favourite at the moment is Goodbye 20 by Lim Kim - super cute.
watching: new episodes of HIMYM and My Little Pony. :) Also, Frozen. :D
food: euch. don't mention food right now...
drink: herbal tea seems to be okay right now...
writing?: shh.
general... (inspired by Havi)
the hard
: had an interesting migraine on Friday... instead of feeling a bit better when I lay down, I felt worse. So I had to just sit propped up staring at nothing for awhile, waiting for the painkillers to kick in. blah.
: many people I know going through difficult stuff, and trying not to take it on as my own, but doing it anyway. a breath for still needing to practise being gentle with myself.
: feeling nauseous. even when drinking water. a breath for just generally feeling ick.
: complex issues that seem to come back to me being fragile, and not knowing why I'm feeling like that. a breath for needing to take everything extra slow.
: I haven't "____" in months. I miss it. and yet something's holding me back and I'm having trouble getting back to this thing that is so part of who I am.
the good
: finishing up things, getting things done. this is good and means progress.
: Japan is in less than two weeks. I don't think I need to say more than that.
: new episodes of MLP are making being bed-bound much easier. so is reading.
: I am still in love with all things asian pop, and have definite favourites that seem to appear in my head when I wake up to cheer me up. I'm going to make a list of albums to attain, and that makes me excited. A happy heart sigh for being interested in something and unashamedly demonstrating that love.
: a dear friend, Xin and Bronte cheering me up and keeping me company when I've been feeling ick. A smile for having people I can rely on.
what i want for next week...
~ I am connected with all and feel grounded.
~ I can do this.
~ Love is everywhere.
mantra? I do what is right for me and don't allow guilt to make me feel any different. I am capable. I can do this. All is love.
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