{2015} October Reading
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Books bought/received:
~ Second Chance Summer (Cedar Ridge #1) by Jill Shalvis
~ The Accident Season by Moira Fowley-Doyle
~ Carry On by Rainbow Rowell
~ The Aeronaut's Windlass (Cinder Spires #1) by Jim Butcher (review)
~ Archangel's Enigma (Guild Hunter #8) by Nalini Singh (review)
~ The November Criminals by Sam Munson (review)
~ The Seven Sisters (The Seven Sisters #1) by Lucinda Riley (review)
~ The Crimson Petal and the White by Michel Faber
~ Storm Front (Dresden Files #1) by Jim Butcher
~ Grave Peril (Dresden Files #3) by Jim Butcher
~ The Secret Keeper by Kate Morton
~ How to Live Well With Chronic Pain and Illness: A Mindful Guide by Toni Bernhard
Books read:
~ Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J. K. Rowling
~ Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling
~ Rising Strong by Brene Brown
~ Carry On by Rainbow Rowell
~ Second Chance Summer (Cedar Ridge #1) by Jill Shalvis
~ The Aeronaut's Windlass (Cinder Spires #1) by Jim Butcher (review)
~ The Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness
Wow. Okay. Looks like I acquired quite a few books this month! And didn't read so many of them XD I think that was mostly because of the house move and just needing some comfort, so a few books were bought. Although, to be fair, The Crimson Petal, the Dresden Files books, and the Kate Morton were all bought from my favourite op-shop for $14 total, so I figure that's a bit of a win. Anyway, on to what I read this month, the small amount that is there.
The Harry Potter books were from a read-along that I am hosting where we read one HP book and watch the relating movie each month for seven months (two movies in the final month). I was a bit behind with the second book so I finished it this month before reading the third on schedule :)
Rising Strong by Brene Brown carried over from last month, and was fantastic. When I first started reading it, I couldn't actually get into it too well. But then when we moved, I picked it back up and loved the message within - the idea of identifying the stories we tell ourselves that can kind of warp what is actually happening, and how we deal with things in light of those stories. It was a great read that I am going to keep on my shelf for reference in the future :)
Carry On was a preorder that was the first package that arrived at the new house, and it was absolutely wonderful. It was alluded to in Fangirl, and I am so glad that Rainbow Rowell decided to commit to writing a whole story for Simon Snow and Baz. The relationship was super cute, and I think Baz is one of my favourite people ever.
Second Chance Summer is the first Jill Shalvis that I have actually bought a physical copy of rather than ebooks or borrowing from the library, and I really enjoyed this one. I maintain that Shalvis is one of the better romance writers, and her books always make me feel comforted and happy!
The Aeronaut's Windlass was a bit of a surprise, in more ways than one. It turned up on my parent's doorstep (address changing is working now, but for a while it wasn't) even though I hadn't requested it (or actually even known it existed). The other surprise was how much I loved it - I've never actually read any Jim Butcher and wasn't sure whether I would like his work, but then I started reading and just flew through it. Hence, buying more Jim Butcher. :P
Finally, I grabbed The Rest of Us Just Live Here from my library's reservation system and read it quite quickly. Again, an amazing book with interesting characters and such interesting plot points. I really want a copy now.
November is my final month of study so my reading may still suffer a little, but hopefully it will pick up! And I am hoping for more Jim Butcher to be honest...
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